How to Decrypt a Sun IDM Password
Sun IDM 5.x
It is sometimess useful to get a user's password or a resource's password from Sun IDM. The following JavaScript tool decodes such passwords.
Source Code
Save the following code in a file, say "idmdecrypt.js":
/* EncryptedData resides in package * (IDM 4.x) * com.waveset.waveset.util (IDM 5.x) */ importPackage(; print("Encrypted = " + arguments[0]); var epwd = new EncryptedData(); epwd.fromString(arguments[0]); print("Decrypted = " + epwd.decryptToString());
Then run the script with the IDM lh
command to decrypt a pasword.
The password is taken from the object's XML.
Don't forget to put the password in double-quotes to prevent any shell interpretation. For example:
C:\idm50>bin\lh js idmdecrypt.js "4F3/ozyg8DY=" Encrypted = 4F3/ozyg8DY= Decrypted = pass1234 C:\idm50>
Vinh-An Trinh